Aeolus Science Conference 2023

22–26 May 2023 | Rodos Palace Hotel | Rhodes Island, Greece

Poster List

Aeolus Science Conference 2023
Poster List
1Aeolus aerosol observational capability based on CALIPSO
Emmanouil Proestakis, National Observatory Of Athens
2Aeolus HLOS assimilation by WRF-4DEnVar
Stephen Tjemkes, Verisk Analytics Gmbh
3Atmospheric dynamics during the ASKOS Campaign
Ioanna Tsikoudi, National Obseratory Of Athens
4Development and validation of an enhanced aerosol product for Aeolus
Konstantinos Rizos, National Observatory Of Athens
5Evolution of Aeolus Atmospheric and Solar Background Data
Karsten Schmidt, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
6Ground detection investigation to develop model independent bias correction using the Zero Wind Correction method
Vittoria Cito Filomarino, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
7Introduction of an alternative algorithm for the Fizeau fringe analysis based on a pixel intensity ratio approach
Benjamin Witschas, DLR
8Monitor of Surface Wind using Aeolus
Stephen Tjemkes, Verisk Analytics Gmbh
9Overview of Instrument Response Calibrations
Uwe Marksteiner, German Aerospace Center
10Regional dust modelling performance skill with the use of assimilated Aeolus wind data
Joni Kushta, The Cyprus Institute
11Revisiting the relative values of temperature and wind observations in the tropics using a perfect-model framework
Nedjeljka Žagar, University Of Hamburg
12Summary of reprocessing of Aeolus data products and plans for future activities
Nafiseh Masoumzadeh, DLR
13The impact of Aeolus wind observations on extra-tropical storms and on forecast busts
Giovanna De Chiara, ECMWF
14Validation activities in Japan during 4 years from 2019-2022
Shoken Ishii, Tokyo Metropolitan University
15Improvements in Numerical Weather Prediction and Dust Transport modelling through AEOLUS L2A assimilation
Thanasis Georgiou, National Observatory Of Athens